
See demonstration here or download all files in a zip archive - liveslideshow.zip (~ 1mb).

Fullscreen Live Slideshow is a javascript slideshow that runs in your browser and updates automatically with new images added while the script runs. The script is made to show pictures from Eye-Fi cards uploaded via FTP, but can be used together with any service that uploads images (e.g PhotoBeam for Android).


How to use with PHP on a remote server

  1. Unzip the files from liveslideshow.zip on the server. You should now have a folder "lss" containing the scripts and a folders named "images", "win" and "php".
  2. Set up the Eye-Fi service to upload your images to your FPT server to the "images" folder mentioned above. You should probably set the resolution to 1600px.
  3. Point your browser to the folder "lss" (like this http://example.com/lss/)
  4. Go to full screen mode in your browser and remove status bars and similar to get a true full screen picture

Further information

Platforms and browsers

The slideshow uses standard javascript and should work in all modern browsers:

Notes on running locally without webserver and PHP on windows

It is possible to run the slideshow locally without PHP, but if that is what you want there are probably options with other software.
  1. Some modern browsers are skeptical to allow active content to run locally. In IE you get a warning that you would need to accept. In order to get it to run locally on Chrome you have to start the browser with the following flag "--allow-file-access-from-files". (Chrome are usually located in "C:\Users\{CURRENTUSER}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application"
  2. You need a list of images that updates automatically. The batch script "createImageList.bat" is made for that purpose. Double-click to start. It will then make a list of images in that is automatically updated. The name of the list is "serverImageList.php". You have to configure the slide show to use this list.
  3. Images on local machine are probably directly from your camera and quite large in size. This might cause performance issues in the browser. In order to resize and correctly orientate images you can use the provided batch-file "processImages.bat". This batch file can also upload your images to an remote ftp server. The following tools are needed:
    1. jhead.exe (included in zip)
    2. jpegtran.exe (included in zip)
    3. PhotoResize400.exe - (not included in zip, Follow link and download to "win" directory)
  4. It is not possible to remove images using the included review function without php support.


Example images in images/ from Thomas Hawk. Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Noncommercial).

Scripts provided and maintained by Arne (aslat@start.no). Please feel free to contact for comments and feedback. v0.1. Download latest version from here.

Last updated 30 September 2010